1) The STOMACH is injured when you do not have breakfast in the morning.

(2) KIDNEYS are injured when you do not even drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours.

(3) The GALLBLADDER is injured when you do not even sleep until 11 o'clock and do not wake up to the sunrise.

(4) The SMALL INTESTINE is injured when you eat cold and stale food.

(5)The  LARGE INTESTINES are injured when you eat more fried and spicy food.

(6) The LUNGS are injured when you breathe in smoke, dirt and polluted environment of cigarettes and bidi.

(7) The LIVER is injured when you eat heavy fried food, junk, and fast food.

(8) The HEART is injured when you eat your meal with more salt and cholesterol.

(9) The PANCREAS is injured when you eat more sweet because of the taste and freely available.

(10) The EYES are injured when you work in the light of mobile and computer screen in the dark.

(11) The BRAIN is injured when you start thinking negative thoughts.

Take care of the parts of your body and do not scare them.

All these parts are not available in the market. Those available are very expensive and probably cannot be adjusted in your body.

So, keep your body parts HEALTHY even as you have a blessed day a head.


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